Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to visit this website. Just to tell you a little about myself, I am a husband and a father. I’ve been married to my beautiful wife for over 16 years and we are blessed to have two daughters. I am from Louisiana and love outdoor activities like fishing, kayaking, hiking, and running. I enjoy just viewing nature and seeing God’s artistry all around us. There is so much beauty if we just take the time to stop and take notice. The fast paced world we live in makes it easy sometimes to overlook the beauty of God’s creation all around us. I like the peace that comes from just slowing down and enjoying the little things of this life. The idea for this blog was given to me when I woke around 3am one morning. I had this overwhelming urge to get up and just begin writing about my journey. I tried to just go back to sleep, but I just couldn’t stop my mind from all the ideas that were coming to me. So I obeyed and got out of bed to start writing. I’m not sure who my story will reach or what impact, if any, it will have, but I’m leaving that part to God. We never know how He can use our simple words to touch others’ lives. If you are new to the Christian faith or just looking to dig deeper into your relationship with God, then I hope this blog will be helpful to you. I hope to be able to post at least weekly, maybe more at times. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Thanks again and keep faith.